Thursday, 12 May 2016

“Peace for our time!”

"It is peace for our time" the headlines would read.
As the country moves ever so slowly towards a minority Government, we have in recent days, seen much trumpeting from John Halligan TD and the promise of 24 hour cardiac care at University Hospital Waterford.

In addition, it has been indicated from Halligan, that there will also be good news for Waterford in terms of increased funding for Waterford Regional Airport. Changing the criteria to allow Waterford Institute of Technology to pursue a solo bid, if they so desire, for a change in status to a “Technological University”.

Like all these promises the devil really is in the detail and whilst Halligan has laid ALL his cards, face up, on the table he insists that 24 hour cardiac care is only a few “hearts beats” away. However, we have not actually seen sight of the piece of paper that will commit this rag tag minority Government to deliver what was one of Halligan’s election promises. 

Lessons from history show us that people in the public eye, particularly political figures, must be extremely careful what they say and promise. I can now see Waterford, holding its collective breath, waiting for that embossed, letter headed piece of paper from Minister Noonan and the Department of Finance, committing the circa €10,000,000, identified by Halligan, to finally deliver the much needed 24 hour cardiac care to University Hospital Waterford.

I do hope that Halligan has not made the cardinal error of “Doing a Chamberlain”!

On 30th September 1938 the then British Prime Minister, returned to Heston Airport waving an A4 sheet of paper and declaring that after direct talks with Chancellor Hitler that there would be “Peace for our time”. History has shown that the letter signed by Adolf Hitler was nothing more than a tactic to stall for more time and to keep the Allies out of a direct conflict with Germany.

 All smiles & Benny Hill!
Chamberlain saw this as an opportunity to deliver for the people of Great Britain and boy oh boy did this back fire in the most monumental way. It is interesting to note that the plane in which Chamberlain retuned to London had an identification mark of G-AFGN – there are a few anagrams in there somewhere!

I know that Halligan has without doubt, had to wrestle with his conscience, consider his own values and those of his vast electoral base to have to “jump into bed” with a minority FG Government. It even looks likely that he will be given a seat as a Junior Minister when all the dust has settled. This decision I am sure does not sit kindly with many of his voters and in fact the vitriol across the various social media platforms last week was nothing short of shocking.

Many, I am sure are feeling betrayed and no matter how much spin is put out by the Halligan Camp, there will be some substantial fallout in terms of future voter support.

The caveat is of course, that if Halligan has secured the circa €10,000,000 funding and more importantly a proper structured plan to give the 24 hour cardiac care longevity for the South East, then we must all applaud his efforts and the labours of the many people lobbying hard in the background.

Halligan will no doubt be hoping for extra letters securing additional airport funding and that a resolution to the university issue will also be forthcoming.

TD Halligan
Time will tell, if the recent hyperbole of promises will actually be delivered for Waterford and I for one hope that the A4 embossed letters are imminent, so that we can start planning Waterford’s future.

If these three election hot potatoes are delivered by Halligan, before the end of the summer, then he must be applauded by everyone and even more so if he has had to make the impossible decision of, “Sleeping with the enemy”.

I do hope that the letters Halligan will eventually wave to the assembled media hordes, will deliver and there will be no anagrams in sight!

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