With the mountains
of dust beginning to settle, on what was an astonishing decision for both the
remain and leave faction, I get the very distinct impression that politicians
on both sides of this troublesome fence have been, at best, stretching the
truth and at worst, telling big fat porky pies!
From across the
Irish Sea, where we are slightly removed from the real political bandwagon - that
Big Red Bus with its dubious £350 million statement - we were only getting
snippets of news, reports and sentiment, as reported through RTE.
However, if you
are interested in politics, as I am, you would have been tuning into the BBC,
Channel Four etc to get the real meat of the argument. More importantly you got
to look into the proverbial eyes of politicians when tackled by a Dimbleby, a Neil
or a Marr.
Over the weeks
and days leading up to the historic vote, it became very clear that each side
was spinning the truth. The collateral damage after the event has shown this to
be the case.

I suspect that
there was far more going on in this campaign, as there always is with politics,
than the issues that grabbed the headlines.
Clearly, Boris
and his Machiavellian cohorts, have been plotting in the background to
orchestrate a leadership change in the Tory Party. However, history will tell
you that the assassin does not always become King and if he does his reign is
often short lived.
Deep down, I
would not be surprised if Boris actually appreciated Europe more than most on
the leave side and what he actually tried to manipulate, was a referendum
result where the “Leave Team” lost by 4%, Cameron resigned, and he took over
the Tory Party leadership, without the need to leave the European Union!
“The best-laid
schemes o’ mice an’ men, Gang aft agley” (Robert Burns 1785, “Tae a Moose”).
for Boris, this was not the final result, as Farage was the stick in the
bicycle wheel spokes, tossing the rider from his seat. The Farage far right rhetoric,
bordering on racist scaremongering, made sure that Boris and his schemers lost
this vote.
Unlike other
elections, this vote cannot be reversed after a political term in office, where
we can vote out the usurpers. Decision made – you’re stuck with it!
So what did we
learn from this referendum? Boris is being lined up for short-term gain but
long-term disaster and Corbyn is driving with the handbrake on.
Politicians are
NOT in touch with the people who vote them in and this is endemic right through
the political process. Unless you are paying attention to the political system,
taking a keen interest, then at every election, National or Local, you will be
hoodwinked by the “lies, damned lies and statistics” that our representatives
blabber when your vote IS most needed.
There appears
to be no turning back, but like all these convoluted processes, there may well
be light at the end of this very dark tunnel.
I suspect that
once Boris or A.N. Other sacrificial lamb, negotiates Brexit we will see all
manner of compromise, on both sides of the European Border, and a pseudo exit
will be negotiated.

The good news
is we can now bring back “Spitting Image”, as the Boris and Trump combo, will
be the Thatcher and Reagan of this 21st Century.
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