Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Keep it clean!

It seems like Summer has finally decided to turn up. Better late than never, I suppose. The weather has started to give us more than 24 hours of heat and thankfully, the rain has only visited us once or twice, in the last few weeks. This of course means that many of us will be heading out to visit our wonderful countryside. Additionally, thousands of returning visitors and hopefully including the exciting potential, of lots of first time tourists, will visit our quirky City Centre, outlying towns and villages.

That “First impressions count” has never been so important to Waterford, than now. The potential of significant growth, as outlined in the 2040 Government National Planning Framework, the North Quays crossing the finishing line with An Bord Pleanála, Michael Street shopping complex raring to go and our glorious Greenway attracting almost quarter of a million visitors, in the first ten months, since opening, gives us a head start. Circa 106,000 walkers and circa 142,000 cyclists, all mixing and convivially sharing, well most of the time, the same 46km stretch, of old disused railway line between Waterford City and Dungarvan Town.

Approximately 94% of users, said that their overall perception of the Greenway was excellent or good. 68% of the walkers and cyclists said, “This amenity was the main reason that they visited or travelled to County Waterford.” The stunning scenery and vistas was one of the main attractions for people visiting and using the Greenway. Nearly half of the 250,000 visitors, spent around €28.50 on food and refreshments, whilst navigating the 46km route. Stopping off at all points between The City and Dungarvan. The “Boom effect” is seen in places like Kilmacthomas, Durrow and even off track, in villages like Lemybrien and Kilmeaden. Everywhere there is a connection, there is a very positive economic impact. Jobs are certainly being created and businesses are benefiting.

Yes, we occasionally hear, on Eamon Keane’s WLR Deise Today, that recreational walkers, joggers, doggy walkers and cyclists are at each other throats. Thankfully these are very isolated incidents. Though sometimes, you would think that the close proximity of a pedestrian and a Lycra-clad-pedal-pusher was an excuse to start WW3? I am sure that occasionally people just complain, to hear their own voices on the radio. We’re in reality not a very tolerant society, yet wish to give the impression that we are. In general and on the whole, the 250,000 Greenway Guardians, are getting on with enjoying this, our newest, public amenity.

Our City’s centre and the hearts of our towns and villages are also looking resplendent. Many of course, are hoping to pick up additional points in the annual Tidy Towns competition. They want to be that committee interviewed “Live”, by Mary Kennedy, on RTE’s Nationwide. These types of community projects help create the right impression. The hundreds of hanging floral displays, with their “Bee friendly” flowers, make Ireland’s Oldest City, a joy to walk around at this time of year. We see many businesses striving to make that extra special effort, to create the right impression for every visitor.

There are so many trying to do the right thing, to make Waterford wondrous. It takes time and not an insignificant amount of effort, to make these wee changes, which make such a big difference.

It’s such a pity that some have an indifferent, unsympathetic attitude, to improving and looking after, the ambience of our City and county.

I do wonder what motivates these abhorrent, repugnant people, to drop litter, fly-tip or illegally dump? Oh and don’t get me started on dog owners, who abandon Fido’s s~*$e for us to walk on! It’s just a two fingered salute to the hard work of so many. If we’re not careful, the very amenities that we ALL share so lovingly, will very quickly become a public refuse bin. Worryingly, there are signs that this is already happening.

When it comes to littering and dog s~*$e, everyone must take responsibility. From the top down, there has to be a sea change in attitude. Many of our EU neighbours get it spot on, so why can’t we?

When it’s gone, it’s gone, heed the warning!

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

It’s a numbers game!

In life, everything we do seems to be related to numbers. Whether that’s our age, paying the household bills, our disposable income or protesting within a consequential cohort. Less is not more, when dealing with figures. Unless of course you are talking about the BBC 1 “Pointless” programme. Here zero, nil, nada is the right answer to the questions being asked. Though some people I know, don’t actually understand the lowest score wins!

On Sunday the 10th, I “pedalled” for the fourth time, the murderous Wicklow 200! Why I’d want to put myself through that torture and torment, by returning to this most scenic of regions, to test my mettle once again, shows that I am certifiably mad! To cycle 200 kilometres and climb over 2,800 metres of brutal hills, has become a numbers game to me. I am now trying to complete this testing task in less than 7 hours. Alas, despite the help from my fellow Biscuit Club members and a handy few Orwell Wheelers, 7:05:58 was the finishing time on my GSP gizmo. So I’ll just have to return in 2019 and try once again. That 7 hour barrier, has become my very own Robert The Bruce’s wee spider’s legacy. She tried and tried, time after time to finish her wee web, in that darkened cave. The good news was, she eventually completed all of her web and Robert The Bruce went on to hammer the English, at the Battle of Bannockburn, in 1314. Happy days!

Professor Nolan’s National Review of Cardiac Service, is now underway. According to Minister H, Nolan’s report will define the provision of this medical speciality, for decades to come. The Review will deliver, once and for all, a service suitable for a modern Ireland. We are to believe that the findings will be equitable and impartial, delivering for ALL the people on this green isle. We hope that the citizens of Waterford, the wider SE, will see parity of service provision, when Prof Nolan’s notes and conclusions are finally published in full. We can’t contemplate another stab in the back, with a knife or a blow to the head, with a lead pipe. Luckily, there’s been no mention of Colonel Mustard or Professor Plum!

We know from The Herity Report, that the numbers stacked up against us. In fact it now transpires, that there was some excellent tutoring by Senior Civil Servants, instructing just how the abacus should come to its final calculations. 500,000 people living in the SE region? “Poppy-cock”, would be the findings of Herity’s Report. Every Government Department, the CSO, Failte Ireland and Tourism Ireland worked to that half a million figure. But “No!”, Herity worked to some fictitious, fabricated figure, that could only be defined, by the Report’s terms of reference.

Let’s hope that Prof Nolan does the right thing and gets the numbers correct, first time around.

Just imagine if we could mobilise ALL the people, from across the whole SE region, to “Tell Nolan”? By this I mean, let him know that we are here in substantial numbers. The opportunity is out there. We can ALL go on-line to make our own submissions to the 24/7 cardio cause. The deadline, to make our voices heard, is 1pm on Friday the 17th of August. If we sit back and do diddly-squat, then nobody can complain if this latest Report finds against our will. Let your fingers do the talking, get on-line!

Will it work I hear you cry?

History tells us that numbers count. Remember when the rescue helicopter services were proposed to be withdrawn from Waterford Airport? Tens of thousands wrote, emailed and protested from across the SE region. Lo and behold, such political pressure ensured we retained our R117 helicopter.

19,000 people sent a badly worded, generic, photocopied letter, to Minister C and his Boundary Commission. The net result was that Simon Coveney dropped the recommendations to expand Waterford City, to the North. Additional political party pressure lead by JP Phelan and Co, threatened by the potential loss of a mass FG vote, ensured another Kilkenny victory.

Our politicians live and die through numbers. Make your voice count, get involved!

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Finally, we’ve been dealt a Royal Flush!

Last Wednesday week, those wise owls in An Bord Pleanála, came to the very logical decision that Waterford’s North Quays, would go ahead as planned. Objections were withdrawn at the oral hearing in Treacy’s Hotel. We had indeed been dealt a Royal Flush and can now look forward to a brighter future for Waterford Inc.

The story of the Strategic Development Zone for the City’s North Quays, has been a long and windy road. Helped along the way, by Paudie Coffey, when he was in office as a Junior Minister. We can’t underestimate the background work, needed to secure the very first out of Dublin, SDZ. Ireland’s Oldest City would for once, be ahead of the pack and put its hand up before any others. Processing the application did take time. We all hoped that the messaging stating “Waterford was Open for Business”, would strike a chord with a wealthy international developer. A City battered, bruised and beaten by others, would begin to fight back. We would be stronger, fitter and better placed than any other urban centre, to benefit from the prestigious SDZ tag. All we needed was a smooth passage through the complex, often unfair planning procedures. We awaited our knight in shining armour, to kiss us and awaken us from 100 years of slumber.

The 6th of June 2018 was our day of destiny. It now seems likely that full planning permission for the SDZ, will be given sometime in September. The developers no doubt, tuned in live to WLR FM, to hear the news directly from Eamon Keane, on Deise Today. Michael Walsh, CEO of Waterford Council, also spoke about the significance of the decision. The process now needs to secure Government’s circa €65,000,000 contribution, for infrastructural works to the road and rail network. Contracts have yet to be signed. No doubt these will be scrutinised, to ensure the people and rate paying businesses of Waterford, get the very best deal for their Euro. After all, none of us wish to be sold a pup. Putting the pressure for profit aside, the deal has to be commercially right for Waterford and its citizens.

The final piece of the jigsaw must be put in place by Government. Paschal and his moneymen, are obliged to give their blessing. Allowing Waterford to access the “Honey Pot”, that is the Strategic Development Fund. This billion Euro cash cow, must write a cheque to Waterford Council post haste. Like Thomas Barr, we have cleared all ten hurdles, in the 400m Olympic final. Dublin’s Dail Darlings, need to support our application and fast track our submission. Delays won’t be tolerated. With a developer waiting in the wings, it’s time to stop talking and “Show us the money!”

Leo has indicated, that Waterford’s resurgence is one of his priorities. Well now is the time to reaffirm that commitment. Show Waterford that there is some substance to the chitchat and that we are indeed, a City worthy of investment. The Nett economic gain, from a relatively small, absorbable circa €65,000,000 of tax payers’ money, is colossal. It’s a no brainer.

The race to reclaim Waterford’s rightful position as the economic driver for the South East, has begun. It’s not going to be a sprint. Rather it will be a marathon. We’ve trained hard and at this stage we’re ready for whatever the road ahead throws at us.

All things going well, we should start to see ground being broken in the first quarter of 2019. Michael Street will be developed alongside, if not before the North Quays. This will be very exciting. It will add to the continued renaissance of this area. Once we see cranes and machinery move “On-site”, it will become very real for everyone. The promised construction jobs will be an added bonus and the spin off to local businesses, will be a very welcome shot in the arm.

It’s brilliant to be able to write so positively about an external decision going our way. It takes our mind of some dodgy, dubious officiating. Rumour has it Mr GAA, that Specsavers may even be opening a mega-store on the North Quays!

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

“An Bord Pleanála, it’s time to deal Waterford a winning hand.”

As the dust begins to settle on what has been a historic period of news, we can settle back to carping about the same old, same old.

Has anyone noticed, just how much more we are ALL paying, for the privilege of sticking some petroleum into our cars? The price has been creeping up for weeks, to the point where €1.50 per litre is a distinct possibility, before the Summer draws to a close. The interruption of political infighting and “The 8th” Referendum, have ensured that we’ve taken our eyes off the ball. The cost of living, seems to be stealthily moving in completely the wrong direction. Yet nobody is talking about it and we surely have to ask “Why?”

For example, having had to pay yet more money for my annual house insurance, I dread to think what the car insurance will come in at this year. This is due in the next couple of months, having increased already by over €200 in the previous 12 months’ premium! Just why are none of our Dail Darlings, tackling the facts that more and more of us, have less and less disposable income to spend? Is it any wonder, that Paschal now has a grin wider than the Cheshire Cat’s? His tax take is accruing so fast, that he’ll soon have to be escorted by armed guards, to protect his bulging wallet. 

With already stretched incomes, can we persuade the powers that be, to finally invest in Waterford Inc and the wider South East region?

First out of the starter’s gate, is of course the North Quays and our SDZ. We are awaiting the findings of an oral hearing with An Bord Pleanála, which is taking place today. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed, that these learned people who sit in judgement, make the right decision for Waterford. They are after all, gambling on our very future. There is no “Plan B”. We have to see this through. The City has placed its counters on black. We can’t ponder on what the outcome would be, if the wee white roulette ball fell into red! Who knows what might happen? Just look towards the North West, where “It’s so lonely round the Fields of Athenry”. Apple promised so much and eventually left due to lengthy planning delays, delays Waterford can ill afford.

The North Quays will provide the stimulus for so many other projects. It might even help secure much needed funds, to get the airport up and running once again. Though the longer this lies in limbo, the harder it will be to persuade us travellers, to adopt new flight patterns. It will also be a challenge to secure a meaningful carrier, when pure economics are at stake. Only bums on seats will whet the appetite of Michael O’Leary’s ilk. Government is being very guarded about the airport’s future. They’ve certainly made it clear, they don’t wish to be this aerodrome’s Freddie Laker.

Who knows, even UHW might get an injection of cash, if An Bord Pleanála deal Waterford a Royal Flush? The catheterization laboratory may be one step closer, should our SDZ get the go ahead. Given the expected population growth, associated with an expanding City, as set out in the 2040 encyclopaedia, we could just be in the pipeline for some good news. Minister H, is riding the crest of a wave and we may catch him in a generous mood, if we roll the dice early enough, who knows?

Then, there’s the BIG elephant in the room. The HQ of the Technological University of the SE or TUSE, as we are now referring to it. Will we be strong enough to insist this remains in Waterford? The SDZ will no doubt help cement the argument, but not guarantee the final geographical placement.

Waterford’s future is quite literally relying on these mysterious men and women, of An Bord Pleanála, to “Do the right thing!” We need them to expedite their decision, despite them having had, a very short time, to deliberate. Running in tandem, we need our strategic funding application to be propelled through the Civil Service, preferably at Warp Factor 10.

Let’s listen for the positive news.