Has anyone noticed, just how much more we are ALL paying, for the privilege of sticking some petroleum into our cars? The price has been creeping up for weeks, to the point where €1.50 per litre is a distinct possibility, before the Summer draws to a close. The interruption of political infighting and “The 8th” Referendum, have ensured that we’ve taken our eyes off the ball. The cost of living, seems to be stealthily moving in completely the wrong direction. Yet nobody is talking about it and we surely have to ask “Why?”
For example, having had to pay yet more money for my annual house insurance, I dread to think what the car insurance will come in at this year. This is due in the next couple of months, having increased already by over €200 in the previous 12 months’ premium! Just why are none of our Dail Darlings, tackling the facts that more and more of us, have less and less disposable income to spend? Is it any wonder, that Paschal now has a grin wider than the Cheshire Cat’s? His tax take is accruing so fast, that he’ll soon have to be escorted by armed guards, to protect his bulging wallet.
With already stretched incomes, can we persuade the powers that be, to finally invest in Waterford Inc and the wider South East region?

The North Quays will provide the stimulus for so many other
projects. It might even help secure much needed funds, to get the airport up
and running once again. Though the longer this lies in limbo, the harder it
will be to persuade us travellers, to adopt new flight patterns. It will also
be a challenge to secure a meaningful carrier, when pure economics are at stake.
Only bums on seats will whet the appetite of Michael O’Leary’s ilk. Government
is being very guarded about the airport’s future. They’ve certainly made it
clear, they don’t wish to be this aerodrome’s Freddie Laker.

Then, there’s the BIG elephant in the room. The HQ of the
Technological University of the SE or TUSE, as we are now referring to it. Will
we be strong enough to insist this remains in Waterford? The SDZ will no doubt
help cement the argument, but not guarantee the final geographical placement.
Waterford’s future is quite literally relying on these mysterious
men and women, of An Bord Pleanála, to “Do the right thing!” We need them to
expedite their decision, despite them having had, a very short time, to
deliberate. Running in tandem, we need our strategic funding application to be propelled
through the Civil Service, preferably at Warp Factor 10.
Let’s listen for the positive news.
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