daughter’s first course choice has taken her to the University of Limerick. A
university that in 2015 won The Irish Times “Best University” award and as
there are only a handful of universities in Ireland I can only assume that this
award is shared on a rotational basis.
achieved and surpassed the entry qualification points we attended the
“induction” or “orientation” day at UL on Tuesday 1st September. The
well travelled road to Limerick is a shocker and a poor reflection on a major
trunk route between two of Ireland’s Cities. Two hours after setting off from
Waterford we arrived at the stunning UL campus. Thanks to an American
philanthropist this has to be one of the most impressive campuses in Ireland.
All still relatively new and shinny, with lots of open space, sports facilities
to rival any university, and the added bonus of being able to watch the odd
Munster player training!
As I was to
spend the whole day at UL I took the time to walk, explore and view every
corner of the campus. The first thing that struck me was that it was so
inspirational to see so many fresh faced young adults starting their next
educational journey. There were literally thousands of students orienteering
themselves on this day.
I also
started totting up the positive economic impact of a university city and from
the accommodation figures alone I worked out that around €1.8 million was being
spent on the accommodation in my daughters block. This did not take into
account any cost of living expenses, travel, entertainment etc etc. The UL
campus is plainly generating tens of millions for the university and the local
economy and Waterford is missing out on this much need annual cash injection.

Is it not
ironic that the City that is promoted as “Ireland’s Oldest” still does NOT have
a university of its own?
What have
we been doing for the last 1100 years!
The more
the day went on the more I had time to reflect on why Waterford City has not
yet been designated a University City and why my daughter and so many others
like her, have had to figuratively emigrate from their place of residence to
attend a university. I feel that it is a shocking indictment that so many are
forced to leave and yet we do not hear enough about this annual exodus from our
City and County by our own young and talented people. Once gone many will never
come back and yes there are economics at play as to where or not they come back
but at the very least we need to create a society where they have a choice.
returning from the orientation day I have meet so many other parents who feel
exactly the same way and I am aware that this ongoing issue has been around now
for decades and not just a few years.
Surely, we
have to get this issue sorted once and for all.
I am in the
camp that says a university in Waterford City would be good for the City, the
County and the south east region.

Yes, our
WIT is an excellent technological institution but surely we will ALL be better
off as a University City. I do hear people championing and defending institutes
of technology and giving shining examples such MIT (in the USA). But let us
face facts we are not the US and we will never be the US, so we will never see
another MIT outside of MIT.
ongoing saga has seen many boards of management come and go at WIT and we must
hope that the current board will deliver for Waterford when others have not,
and that the current board will learn the lessons from previous boards when we
were lead to believe that “This was the way to go” then all of a sudden “No, we
need to turn full circle and this is now the way to” and so on.

The current
government promised a university for Waterford in the current “Programme for
Government” and I may be wrong but to deliver on that promise between now and a
General Election in April of 2016 seems to be fantasy politics.
Too many
generations are missing out, our economy is missing out, and our City is
missing out. Surely, this is not rocket science!
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