We all know
that the wheels of Government tend to turn very, very slowly, but they appear
not to be moving at all on the important issue of actually governing this
country. It just goes to prove that the Humphreys of this world, which so
famously amused us during the early eighties in the UK sitcom “Yes Minister”,
are the people actually running this country.
Despite no
Government, at the time of writing this article, this country continues to run
and function efficiently enough. We have not yet turned into a lawless
anarchistic state with angry hordes taking to the streets to demonise our
political class thus begging the question just what have our newly elected
representatives been doing for the last seven weeks?
Have we the tax
payer just been subsidising one big Dublin shindig?

Does it really
take seven weeks to get round a table, bash a few heads together, forget
historic playground jibes and “barter a better deal for the people for Ireland?”
Of course it
should not.
The people, on
26th February, gave a mandate for a new type of political
representation and yet those elected seem to have forgotten this and now seem
to be once again ploughing their own furrow for the betterment of who? There
was just one chance to sweep the political map clean and start afresh? But we
are back once again to sweeping the same dirt round and round the room.
Being openly
pro all things Waterford, these delays are not doing our City, County and the
greater South East any good what so ever. The longer the negotiations, (or should
that read child’s play?), go on, the more and more we lose focus, on the very
issues that need to be fixed to get us back to some sort of viable economic
Wander around
our City on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and even a Thursday and you will see
very few people out spending money in our retail heart. We are still in that
third tier of Ireland’s economic recovery and our disposable income is one of
the lowest in the country. This elephant in our room will not go away and
longer the procrastinations and childish bickering that goes on in Dublin the
more our economic issues will fade as a distant election manifesto memory.
So who should
we blame for the delay in getting on with governing? Well, I would blame ALL
politicians for not sorting this mess out. People need to swallow their pride
and find a solution that suits the county and not a solution that suits the
I wonder if we
paid our politicians based on results, actions, productivity and delivery would
we be in a different place? I do not know of any business or organisation for
that matter, that would pay staff for what has in actuality been seven weeks of
inactivity and downtime!
Finally, I must
say that our TD’s are all looking extremely smart, save one or two exceptions,
with new suits, perfect hair, and new gunas, on that satellite channel
Oireachtas TV. Clearly, they have been spending their time wisely, seeking the
advice of Gok Wan.
Though some
have evidently engaged Trinny and Susannah for styling tips!
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