Friday, 8 April 2016

Today’s headline - tomorrow’s fish supper wrapper!

“Today’s headline - tomorrow’s fish supper wrapper” is a phrase often used back home, in Scotland, when referring to the millions of fish and chips, or deep fried mars bar takeaways, that are still wrapped in the previous day’s unsold national and local newspapers. Both the broadsheets and redtops are recycled for this very purpose and for some reason your fish supper always tastes better wrapped in newspaper.

This much worn phrase implies that no matter how good or bad a printed headline is, in the vast array of news print we have available, it undoubtedly has a very limited lifespan. The sensationalism of a newspaper headline is more often than not extremely short lived and therefore all too easily forgotten!

It is without doubt our ability to forget that has Government, aided by their very clever PR gurus, that regularly and without challenge allow contentious and controversial issues to be “shock news” for a relatively short period of time as they are aware that we all literally “forgive and forget” in the space of a few days.

We can see clear battle lines being drawn when unpopular decisions are about to be made. With a quantifiable time period for the bad press fallout and social media pillorying in place. Rest assured there are advisors upon advisors acting on behalf of the many Government departments, working away into the wee small hours calculating just how long a bad news story will run and last, and working out how to “ride out the chorus of protest and disapproval”.

It is these risk and reward calculations that allow Government to make unpopular choices and deal with a plethora of embarrassing headlines. Even though we have no official word as to who or what will constitute the makeup of the next Government we have already seen, read and forgotten the recent headlines over the retaining, recharging or ditching of water charges!

We will read with regularity over the coming few days and weeks claim and counter claim as more and more insider inter-party negotiation information is leaked to the press from all mainstream political parties, alliance interest groups and independents, who could well be holding the balance of power of the next Government – a throwback to the “good old days!”.

This in turn will create sensational and often spurious headlines with a view to creating shock and astonishment for the reader. However, we must be prepared to dig deeper beyond the initial headline to get at the truth of the story to formulate our own opinions.

Sometimes we can and will be swayed by headline grabbers who cynics might say are published by newspapers to increase sales. After all bad news seems to sell many more newspapers than a good news story headline.

To tackle the various hot ticket issues in the next few weeks we need in turn to voice our own opinions and concerns to those who will making the decisions behind closed doors and in the corridors of Dublin. After all did we not go to the poles to vote for change? This can of course be done on a very local level through our four newly directly elected members.

But be warned the clock is ticking on our opportunity to have our say and voice our opinion. But it is never too late to make that difference.

We are all responsible for creating our own headlines and making the printed news matter to us. The last things we need in Waterford and Ireland Inc is a whole series of newspapers headlines that will simply disappear into our green refuse bin. Ultimately biodegrading or being recycled into another sensational newspaper headline.
As tax payers and voters we must not be frightened or concerned about contacting and lobbying those very people we ultimately employ. We are all responsible for making change for the betterment of Waterford and the wider society in general.

Don’t let today’s headlines be tomorrow’s fish supper wrapper!

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