“The Spraoi
Weekend”, as it has now become known locally, takes place this Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. It is so good to see that the Festival programme is bigger and
better than ever. This has to be one of those very special events that
Waterford people actually come out in hordes to support and I, for one, am
delighted that TV and their wonderful crew are once again reconnecting Spraoi
with the very heart of the City.
To me, the
event works so well, with the parade winding its way down the very spine of the
Waterford City. The fireworks exploding over the River Suir and of course
spontaneous street theatre right across, and I mean right across, the City
Centre and not confined to the VT, our leaning tower of investment!
Other organisers
take note. The very best Waterford has to offer, starts by incorporating the
whole of the City Centre, which in turn means the event is supported in huge numbers.
Squeeze or concentrate your event(s) into the wrong areas and you get very
little support. The businesses who get behind Spraoi, support Spraoi and “love”
Spraoi, for it gives them back much needed footfall across the WHOLE City. It
truly is a pan-City event that has, to quote James May, “the fizz” and somehow
manages to capture the imagination of young and old.

Spraoi is a
Waterford success story. But sadly it is only one of a lesser breed and we need
to make sure that if we wish to compete with the Galways of Ireland then we
need to drag, pull and elevate our other events to a similar high level of
As I have
said many a time, in print, we have the people, with the skills, we just need
to get the powers that be, to make brave decisions, and actually employ the
right people to deliver.
We are a
small City that sometimes demonstrates a village mentality. This mould needs to
be cracked and we need to step away from using the same old broken formulas,
regurgitated time and time again, seeking out the right people to bring our
other events up to the high standards set by Spraoi.
In fact it
is not only Festivals that need our attention. Many other projects around the
City need that injection of “new blood”, with innovative and creative ideas,
which will drive events to another level. Yes, it is very hard for originators
to let go, but to build a better brand, a better City and County, we need to do
just that. If that means paying the right people, then we must find the means
to do so.

renewal, Michael Street Shopping Centre, SDZ on the North Quay, footbridge
across the River Suir, Ireland’s Ancient East.....etc are all potential game
changers for Waterford. But do we have the “drivers” in place to actually
deliver for the people of this great City and County?
Spraoi and remember to look after your City this weekend!
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