As soon as
the election results started trickling through, from around 02:00 on the 9th
November, it became very clear that things were not going Hillary’s way. The
Donald started securing more and more Electoral College votes. Was he to be the
latest political force to rubbish and poo poo ALL the highly paid, soon to be
extinct pollsters – oh yes he was!
When The
Donald finally crossed the whitewash, the social media backlash started. All
and sundry suddenly became interested in politics. But not Irish politics, the politics
of the United States of America. For some unexpected reason this became everyone’s
raison d'etre. Well, on the plus side, this did, thankfully, signal the end of “Brexit
Bashing”, but not unfortunately, the end of Mr Farage, who now seems to be
Donald’s Bestie UK politician.
Media, all of a sudden, had people believing that they were Jeremy Paxman,
Andrew Neil, The Dimbleby brothers....the list was endless. We even had the
conspiracy theorists somehow inextricably linking the 9th of
November with the 11th of September - just because they share the
same day and month digits, in an abbreviated calendar! Now, I am no believer in
conspiracy theories at the best of times, but lads, come on, get a life!

Now, the
common thread on Social Media, was that The Donald somehow encouraged all
manner of lunatic, numpty, fringe voters to carry him to the magical 270
Electoral College votes, required to win. He secured over 60,000,000 votes and
surely not all of these voters are the uneducated loonies the media painted? A
similar sentiment has been suggested at the “leave” voters in Brexit. But the
truth be told, is that so many are just missing the point.
After years
and years of obnoxious and elite political rule, the “normal people” on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean, were simply sick and tired of politicians NOT
listening, to the very people who employ them. Protest voting will become the
norm in the next few years across many European countries and if Governments
wish to stop this happening again, then they MUST listen to the disenchanted,
disillusioned voters. Not listening will increasingly generate these types of
election results.
The Donald
mobilised and capitalised on so many people, who wished to stick two fingers up
to their Government and give them more than just a bloody nose. They wanted to
say “HEY, we are here and you are NOT listening to us, so accept the
consequences of your continued indifference!”

I only wish,
that those who have turned to politics in the last few weeks, would channel
that energy and passion towards our Waterford problems. Just imagine the fear
that we could engender by striking at the heart of Government, if we could
marshal the voters across the whole South East!
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