With Autumn
over, wonderful Winter quickly follows suit and I must say, that this is one of
my favourite times of the year. Getting out on a very crisp cold morning, for a
brisk, effervescent walk, or short sharp ride in my lurid Lycra, does me the
world of good. It clears my head, refreshing my mind about all the good things
we have here on our doorstep, in wonderful Waterford.
whichever way you package it, there really is so much to look forward to this Winter.

The retail
expansion over the last few weeks has continued to improve, through the work of
some stakeholders and in particular, the committee members of the Waterford
Business Group. They have been working tirelessly away in the background,
making personal contacts, speaking to and encouraging the relocation of brands
to our City Centre. We cannot underestimate the volume of voluntary work
undertaken on our behalf, to make Waterford a better place.
T & H will be opening soon and the planning issues being encountered by
several other brands, will be resolved in a positive light. Thus, adding
significantly to our and our visitors’ retail experience of the City Centre.
The more attractive and unique our City Centre becomes, the better the shopping
fulfilment will be for everyone.
Of course Winter
in Waterford, now comes with Winterval attached too. Incidentally, a name Mr
McCarthy, at WLR, has difficulty liking! I heard him mention this on Friday’s
programme and he might be right, as Mrs Garland too has difficulty with the
name. Anyway, Winterval will be back on our streets on 25th November,
a week later than last year and this will also be the date for the switching on,
of our Christmas lights. This sparked much debate last week and I for one,
believe that the third Friday in November is the correct switching on, of the
lights and the start of our Christmas retail period. This change of date, at
the behest of whom and with no consultation with our retailers, has put us a week
behind our competitors. Bah Humbug!
I have no
doubt that there are plans afoot, to do something special on Friday 18th
November. This should be the lights on date. To this extent keep an eye on the
local press for further details. Now that’s the spirit of Christmas, giving something
back to the people of Waterford!

that the bountiful few weeks in the run up to Christmas, may well account for
up to 30% of our local businesses annual turnover.
Shop smart, shop local, shop Waterford!
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