Yet, we are
now, how many weeks on, from the last General Election and can anyone honestly
says we have received a €1 towards these so called “game changers”? So many
political representatives indicated that these would bankroll Waterford’s
economic future.
The North
Quay, where work seems to have literally ground to a halt. Due, I am sure, to engineering
concerns around weight loadings on the old, frail and fragile “piles” that are
precariously holding up the hundreds of tons of rubble. This whole area has
been designated as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ), which is good news and I
recall that €30 million had been promised and earmarked, by FG, to develop the
site and link it directly to the City Centre. That was over 16 months ago!
Has any of
this money actually been drawn down, excuse the banking terminology and
allocated to Waterford Council to start this much needed regeneration process? I
don’t recall hearing or seeing any big media fanfare announcing that the “cash”
had been lodged into the Council coffers. Therefore I have to assume that NO
money has yet been received for the SDZ to start and ultimately flourish.
This same
sad story can be repeated at the Airport. We were promised many Euros to
develop that runway, allowing larger jets access to Waterford and the 500,000
people of South East region. But, once again, not one cent of this appears to
have come our way. In fact we are now being told that money is available for
everything else, but the essential runway extension!
In the
meantime, the people of the South East are discovering that Dublin is now much,
much closer and easier to reach. The M9 has not a traffic light in sight and
with the Newlands Cross flyover, the journey time to Dublin is more than
manageable and predictable. The east coast N11/M11 route from Wexford is also
to a large extent quicker than days of old and when the New Ross second bridge
comes on stream, we will have a choice of two very fast direct routes to
I also
imagine that the business case for a consistent, less than two hour drive from
Dublin to Waterford, is now working against us. Many FDI investors have far
longer commute times to work! So the case for a regional airport in the south
east diminishes even further. This assumption seems to carry some weight when
we review the fact that only circa 6 FDI visits have taken place in Waterford
this year! We seem once again to be on the road to becoming a less attractive
alternative to many other cities and regions.
There is
the ongoing debacle around UHW – no need to regurgitate the shambolic mess that
some have created here.
So, these three
are examples of promises that have not materialised. Money that had been
“earmarked” for Waterford and yet none, nil, nada, zilch, seems to have been
paid to us, to start our economic recovery and get our City and region booming
once again!

Why do
other political regions deliver actual real infrastructure investment? Surely,
all politicians have the same access to identical Civil Servants, who might
just be able to point them in the right direction, explaining how to loosen the
purse strings.
We are
systematically being downgraded and this will continue unless we see the
promised Euros coming our way to stem the tide.
Sadly, we
appear to have too many King Cnuts (more commonly know as Canute).
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