Thursday, 8 June 2017

For the love of (insert your Deity here)!!!

I spent nine wonderful years working in London during the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s. During that time I earned and lost heaps of money. Bought property and got weighed down with massive negative equity debt. Had some great jobs and was lucky enough to work with some great bosses. I worked with and for Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Protestants, Catholics, Jehovah’s, born again Christians, Rastafarians, Islamists, to name but a very few.

I lived in areas predominantly populated by Jews, Indians, Pakistanis, North Londoners and Cockneys. Whilst living in these areas I deliberately mixed, went out of my way to become part of the community and “That cheeky Scotsman”, “Sweaty Sock”, “Jock”.

I was even in the City of London, with two friends, celebrating something to do with Japan, in a Japanese multi-national’s karaoke basement bar, in July 1990. We were quite literally around the corner from the London Stock Exchange, when the IRA set off a massive bomb. Destroying many a building and luckily injuring nobody. We knew absolutely nothing about this blast, until we exited the building, bleary eyed from one too many warm Sakis. It was like walking onto the scene of an H-bomb apocalyptic movie set, where we were apparently the only survivors. The City was empty – no taxi cabs, no buses, no cars, tube station shutters closed....!! We hadn’t a clue what had happened, until approached by a member of the City of London Police. Boy did we sober up very quickly after that, as we had to somehow make our way home!

When I worked in Wembley Stadium, in the borough of Brent, only 30 odd years ago, we were the “Ethnic minority”. I was one of the first people to secure a “Bollywood” type concert for Wembley Stadium, on that most hallowed of turf. I dealt with ALL manner of promoters regardless of race, creed or colour. Everyone was treated as an equal and much more importantly, treated the very way I would wish to be treated as a customer.

During those nine years in London I never felt unsafe. Never felt that there was a risk to my health, whilst being out and about late at night. Never felt in danger of a terrorist attack. Never felt threatened by speaking to, or being in the company of someone who was different.

Maybe these were completely different times? Or perhaps I look back on those youthful days with extra strength rose tinted glasses? Either way, I don’t think I would recognise the London that has been in the news for all the wrong reasons this week.

It now appears that gone are the days when you would be able to walk in the footsteps of Dick Whittington, feeling safe and cosseted. As the horrific attacks of recent weeks hit home, showing just how vulnerable we now are.

People immediately started blaming Blair, May and even Thatcher, on social media. Take this blame game to a logical conclusion and we should start holding historical people like Victoria, King Billy, Attila the Hun, Hannibal, Nero, the Egyptians, Adam, Eve and even that damn serpent culpable!

No one individual from history, past or present, can possibly be responsible for these current heinous acts. Where one human being painstakingly plans to kill, murder or mutilate another. All in the context of a misguided religious belief.  

Our “PC world” has gone bonkers mad. Why are we allowing such known individuals to undertake such cowardly acts? It is because of our Western World’s freedoms, that these people use this liberty to plot, scheme and kill with targeted precision.

Surely, the time is now right to balance the scales, if we are to live our lives without fear of a terrorist attack?

We live in a predominantly Christian country. We unconditionally give freedom of speech and freedom of movement. We have laws and rules that we ALL abide by, or accept the consequences for breaking these. The primary language spoken is that of English. We live in a democratic society. Freedom to vote is a constitutional right for all citizens.......

If you do not like these rules, regulations and more besides, you have the freedom to leave!

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