In the meantime, that wily old fox that is Jeremy Corbyn, promised young and old voters, the earth, moon and the stars. In terms of what he would deliver, for FREE, if he and his Labour party were given the mandate to govern the UK. Let us not forget that it is always easier in opposition at election time, to guarantee voting nirvana, when you don’t actually have to make the books of Government balance. The same, back of a fag packet economics, goes on at the moment with FF, SF and the so called Independent Alliance. Their economic policies as individual stand alone plans, probably do stand up to individual scrutiny. But, as a combined fiscal strategy, these are as watertight as a sieve.

In the end May lost the trust of the voters and Corbyn gained the trust, albeit temporarily, of many others. Nobody really expected Labour to win, but many were prepared to give May a handicap to impede her run towards another “Solid” term in office. Her majority Government is no more and a rather uncomfortable alliance is now being sought, with that “Most stable” of parties the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)! I just wonder if Arlene Foster will ask for too much and that the Tories will be back to the people in a few months time?
It would
seem now, that both UK and our own Irish politicians are much more remote from
us, their paymasters. I put this down to the “Golden Circles” that they
inevitably surround themselves with. After all, if your Cabinet, committees and
work teams are all made up of “Lovies” and people who are prepared to “Lick
arse”, then you are going to always get a consensus of opinion. There will be
absolutely no buffer against someone standing up and saying “A hum, excuse me,
but maybe, just maybe this is not what our voters want?”

“Golden Circles”
are here to stay. I fear that they are now becoming accepted, as part of our
everyday lives in terms of politics. You can be sure that during the FG
leadership election campaign, groups of the chosen few, from each camp, would
have been sitting in darkened rooms paying tribute to their own efforts to get
their man elected.
we in Waterford don’t even have access to the “Bronze Circle”. For the
foreseeable future, we will be outside of that circle, unless we find a real
political heavyweight.
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