I arrived
in Ireland, some sixteen years ago, having driven a lorry containing ALL our
family’s worldly belongings from Larne to Waterford City. It was a mammoth,
long, weary journey at the time. There was little or no motorway infrastructure
and in truth there were crappy roads everywhere, from the North to the South.
Our very small
Scottish convoy, which constituted a rented 7.5 tonne truck and my Escort
estate car, was stopped just across the border. This, I recall, put the fear of
god into me and here’s why. In the back of my car, my air rifle was hidden
inside my golf bag! I was well aware that an air rifle was illegal in Ireland,
so to hide mine, I somehow thought making it look like a golf club was a good
idea. Luckily the Garda only asked where we were going and once I explained
that I was moving from Scotland to Waterford, he waved us on. The air rifle
quickly left the Garland household once we settled in the City.
we have now seen major changes to the road infrastructure. The difficulties in
accessing the South East corner, which took me from memory around 9 hours to
get to in 2001, have been resolved. Belfast can be reached in less than 4
hours. Better still, you can actually drive from Belfast to Waterford without
being stopped at a traffic light. Whilst the speed of change has been more
walking pace than meteoric, there has been progress in opening up this wee
sunny corner of this green isle.
When I
settled in Waterford there was great talk and discussion about Waterford being
THE “Gateway City” for the South East region. It would be developed to become
the economic powerhouse of the region. Securing and attracting inward foreign
investment, which would bring huge numbers of well paid jobs to everyone living
in the “Sunny South East”. We would have a regional hospital with all the bells
and whistles. A regional airport servicing the UK and the Western fringes of
Europe. A university to rival those of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway.
Scroll forward sixteen years and Government after Government have abjectly failed to deliver any regional development. Both the South East and North West have been principally ignored, by the very bodies that should be concentrating on promoting these disadvantaged areas. But the Irish way seems to be to ignore these problem children, sitting so far away from the epicentre of power.
The IDA’s
own figures reveal a damming indictment on just how far Waterford has fallen
off the table, in terms of “Promotional visits”. We are told that Waterford and
the South East cannot be pushed ahead of the other regions. In fact our region
cannot be promoted or receive special attention – as that would just be unfair!
So, with the other regions flourishing, they're becoming an irresistible draw for yet
more and more Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI), at a significant cost to the struggling NW and SE.
Our current
Government recently launched the National Planning Framework, amid much pomp,
ceremony and PR spin. A highlight for Waterford was Minister Coveney’s promise
to double the City’s population. Yet, almost the very next day he rejected a report’s
recommendations to extend the City’s boundary North across the River Suir. Talk
about flip flopping, this party has it down to a T.
So, the
very latest Government idea, to help a “Struggling Dublin?” with its booming
economy once again, is to consider building a new City for Ireland in the
Midlands region!!!!
Just where
is the sense in such a stupid, ridiculous idea?
Our two
struggling regions are crying out for Government investment. They are ready for
regional investment and yet may once again be overlooked.