Behind the closed,
locked doors of City Hall and Dungarvan Civic Offices, our 32 Councillors will
be, should be, fiddling with their calculators. (This is not a euphemism!) They’re
deciding the Waterford City and County budget for 2018. But just what might
this mean for you, the reader?
The actual
process of passing and approving a “Balanced budget” is rather strange. As
there is so much of the Executives’ budget that is quite literally “Untouchable”.
In fact our Councillors can only change, alter or influence a rather small percentage
of a much larger circa €130,000,000 budget. With the
Lansdowne-Haddington-kick-the-can-down-the-Road agreements coming on stream, we
could see pressure being heaped on our Council to contribute more to budgetary
areas. Expected pay and pension increases that may not actually be covered by additional,
supplementary central exchequer grants/funds. This of course means you and I
have to pay for this.
You might
recall, that our local news and media, covered many column inches, giving lots
of radio snippets, about just how there could be absolutely NO Local Property
Tax (LPT) or Commercial Rates increases for 2017. The Councillors agreed that the
timing was NOT right!
What has
changed in our economic outlook that makes increase charges to LPT and Commercial
Rates, a very realistic possibility for 2018?

Both of these reports
detail and outline, in no uncertain terms, Waterford City/County and the wider
South East region have some way to go, to catch up on the rest of the country’s
“Green shoots of recovery”. In fact the gulf, excuse the pun, between some of
the economic indicators is, in truth, quite jaw dropping. Disposable income,
percentage of the population at risk of poverty, labour force participation
rates, unemployment rates, third level attainment....and more besides, make for
some incredibly grim reading.
But then we all
know that the South East has been neglected by successive Governments for year,
after year, after year.
The statistics
produced, make an exceptionally compelling and concrete case for Government
support for the Alhokair Group’s plans for the North
Quays. I do hope that this money is forthcoming from this current Government. Kick
starting a REAL recovery in Waterford and the wider South East region. One
would also hope that any infrastructural funding would find its way to
Waterford. Much, much faster than our rented, National Health Service mobile catheterisation laboratory did!
(It has arrived! But then again you would know this, due to the “Trumpeting”,
by a few on social media).
Oh and we must
remember that with a local council election scheduled for 2019, next year is
realistically, the only opportunity that our 32 brave men and women have, to
impose punitive increases. Increases on both our LPT and that other easily
reached cash cow, Commercial Rates. After all who would want to be imposing
unpopular increases, when disproportionate door knocking is already pencilled
into the diary?

What are we to
do if increases are imposed by our elected 32 for 2018? Simply ask them
“Why should I be paying more?” Above all, it’s imperative you take an
interest in what your Councillors are doing for you and Waterford.