The fallout from the Cervical Check debacle, will I have absolutely no doubt, rumble on for many a week to come. There now appears to be revelation after revelation, that all is not well in the higher echelons of Government’s many broken departments.
HSE, is spending more time and money looking after itself. Rather than the very
people it was set up to protect. Does it really surprise anyone, we are once
again being told, that more and more of tax payers’ money is being completely
and utterly wasted? No! It has been going on for what seems like millennia. Our
representatives in power, can do little or nothing to affect positive change.
In fact, successively elected TDs to the Dail, have tried to take on Government
Departments, only to fall heavily on their own swords.

last week, senior medical practitioners, were openly saying the HSE is
“Banjaxed!” Tell us something we do not know? Every dog in the street, knows
that our Senior Civil Servants run the country. Their lap dogs appear to be the
very people WE elect. The tails wag the dogs and these poor, old, mange ridden
pooches are of course the Minister in charge. They are being laughed at behind
closed doors. It seems that one department after another, is just lining up the
Ministers to be shot. Minister bashing, it’s a game of sport. The harder you
bash them, the better we protect ourselves.
also endemic. Our “D4” Housing Minister has, apparently, been massaging the
homeless figures! Now there’s another shock? I think not. Colluding,
conspiring, plotting and scheming, to keep them under the “Magical” 10,000
mark. He has “Re-categorised” what does and doesn’t define being homeless. No
doubt egged on by senior departmental staff, who are happy to be in cahoots
with him in mysterious, secretive meetings. Wouldn’t it be advantageous to be a
fly on the wall? To have undisclosed access to minutes of such gatherings, would
be priceless. To know for sure, just who is pulling the strings?
there must have been someone in attendance, during such forums, with a modicum
of common sense? You would think there might have been one voice, just one
voice saying, “Hold on a minute, maybe this is the wrong thing to do?”
appears, that there are no moral gatekeepers in any of our Government
Departments? If there were, then Vicky Phelan would not have had to stand up in
court and be attacked by the HSE’s legal team. Or should that be “Legal Pariahs?”
has gone on in the last 2 weeks, has been nothing short of appalling, atrocious
and abysmal. In this modern day Ireland, our Political Glitterati should not be
fearful of correcting, or chastising Senior Civil Servants. These people have
an air of invincibility about them. They are in their own eyes, untouchable!
After all have we ever seen or witnessed one actually being sacked, for any
form of negligence? Of course we have not. The fall guy is always the Minister,
or at the very least, a Junior Minister.
culture within such bodies has to be broken. Therein lies the toughest of challenges.
No one can shape or influence any logical form of change management, when it is
resisted at every single turn. This culture, this discrimination, this lack of humility,
flows freely through the arteries of such big organisations and out of every
single tentacle. We see, to a lesser extent, the direct affect this has had on
Waterford and the wider SE region.
of investment in our hospital, education system, transport
infrastructure....etc is not the fault of poor, pitiable, pathetic public
representation. Rather, it is the direct influence of Senior Civil Servants
simply not “Allowing” this to happen.
next time you get that “Knock-knock at the door”, asking for your vote, enquire
how many rotten apples they are prepared to toss out of the barrel, then
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