The meeting
last week was watched by a “Packed” public gallery and press core. In reality,
there were 5 members of the public in attendance. Only two stayed the course,
for the three hour marathon meeting. In the end the members of the local press
outnumbered the public by one!
Not really
a great turnout for such an important meeting and the most essential function
of our 32 Councillors.
The Pact,
made up of our Fianna Fail, Fianna Gael and Labour Councillors, to a man and
one woman, rejected unequivocally, the proposed budget. Based on the fact, that
it was not the right time to be seen to be increasing Commercial Rates across
Waterford City and County.
We even had
Councillors Cummins (FG) and Quinlan (FF), who were both across the start line
before any gun was fired! Reaffirming their position on the local airwaves,
immediately after the budget meeting. Stating the position of their respective parties
that a budget cannot be passed if it contains any Commercial Rates increases
for 2017.
Now, I have
no doubt that in the last seven days since the budget meeting, there has been
an awful lot of shuttle diplomacy, Council Executive pressure cooker meetings
with various Councillors, threats, counter threats and probably even the odd
personal text message. Each side has been jockeying for position to try to see
how a balanced budget can be passed.
The Pact
laid down a very sizeable marker last week, when they rejected the CEO’s budget
proposal. This was history in the making and a first for Waterford. Whilst,
they did not show their hand there and then, or come up with an alternative
budget, they did ask for two adjournments and another seven days of grace, in
order to align their ducks. Seeking alternatives for the proposed budgetary
increases in insurance, payroll and Irish Waterford fallout, to name but a few.
Now, the
question must be, “Do the Pact have the Big Cajones to stick to their promise
of a no rates increase?”

So, if your
are reading today’s newspaper and the headline news is a Commercial Rates
increase for 2017, then we have Councillors who are frightened and are scared
to carry out their one of their primary functions. Their spin after last week’s
initial budget meeting was all for nothing and the dirty face of local politics
has once again blighted Waterford’s progression.
However, ‘tis
the season to be jolly and I for one, as a Scottish rugby fan and therefore an
eternal optimist, hope that the Pact stand by their promise, to deliver an
alternative budget with NO Commercial rates increase for 2017.
has yet to see significant green shoots and we need to get the message out that
we are open for business. What we don’t need is yet another political charade.
Bear in mind our competitors are slowly but surely sneaking ahead of us on many
fronts. A wee trip to Wexford for example and you will see a significant amount
of building, construction, cheaper car parking, heavy footfall....all done on
the Q.T. They are not the only ones forging ahead of Waterford!
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