Yes, that
madcap totalitarian dictatorship, run by their supreme leader Kim Jong-un, will
be visited by Ireland’s “Three Stooges”. Messers Ross, McGarth and Waterford’s
very own Minister Halligan, will fly out, at their own expense, to the capital Pyongyang, we
assume. To stop, in their own words, “The inevitable move towards
war with the good old USA”.
This amazing story began last week. Just
like many people, I immediately checked my phone, when I first read this, to
see if it was the 1st of April. I also checked that this was not a
Waterford Whispers news story. Lastly, I even went online to look up The Daily
Mail, that font of knowledge for ALL spoof news stories. Low and behold the
oracles told me, that this was actually true!
This was not fake news, but a real and
current, national news story. A letter has been penned and sent by Minister
Halligan, requesting that this parliamentary Troika be allowed permission to
visit DPRK. We can also assume that they have requested a meeting with Kim Jong-un, otherwise that whole junket, would of
course be a waste of time. After all, you don’t ask the monkey to play you a
tune on the organ – do you?
justification for this visit is that “Larry, Moe and Curly” are, “a group of
three prominent politicians in a country highly-respected around the world for
its neutrality.” That’s a fair enough statement, but the word neutrality, can
be very loosely defined these days, depending on which side of the fence you
I would also be
pretty sure, that Kim Jong-un’s school lessons, did not have so much as a
sentence about Ireland’s standing as a world powerhouse, when covering global
history. One could even hazard a guess that Kim could not point to Ireland on a
world map. Much the same as many people wouldn’t have a clue where the DPRK
sits, between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan.
The thought
that this Troika could do any good on the world stage just beggars belief. Does
it not show contempt, for the very people of Ireland who voted these three into
power? For “Huey, Louie and Dewey” to think that they represent some kind of
World Peace Brokers, is delusional beyond anyone’s imagination.
Donald the
Trump, is hell bent on giving Kim the bloodiest of noses. He has even taken his
golf bats with him, to help relieve the monotony of his marathon tour of Asia.
He’ll be visiting Japan, China, Vietnam, Philippines and South Korea. Do our
three, secretly living, in their own wee world, see themselves on a par with
other world leaders, never mind other politicians? It would appear that they
do, which is worrying for us, their electorate.
Whilst our
“Three Amigos” are plotting and scheming to save “Who?” from the El Guapo
character, we are left wondering why they are so willing to apparently
disregard their own people.

We have far too
many current issues that these “City Slickers” need to tackle right here, right
now. To think that they believe they are doing us a favour by going East, has
all the makings of a slapstick film. I can see comedy writers bashing out
scripts as we speak, on their Apple Macs.
Even if in some
parallel universe, they succeed in getting an audience with Kim, they will
NEVER get to see the “maniac” Donald. They quite happily burned that bridge
last year!
Maybe they’ll meet the “Stay Puft Marshmallow Man”
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