In fact Mrs
Garland and the rest of the Garland Clan tell me that I am turning into Victor
Meldrew. Played by Richard Wilson, another Scot, in the BBC sitcom “One foot in
the grave”. I don’t believe it myself, though, I have to admit, I do see some
uncanny similarities. Particularly within certain situation, which I experience.
I am pretty
sure that Victor would be sickened at the lack of effort and imagination that
we witness, when we answer these knocks at the door, at this time of year. “Trick
or Treat!” - sadly even these three words are largely missing from this custom.
The whole process has become so Americanised, it appears that our children are
now simply interested in “Making a fast buck”. They are riding the wave of get
in quick, then turn and burn.
The door
bell rings and on answering you may very well be greeted by an imaginative
costume or two. With barely time to engage in niceties, a bag is pushed forward
into your face which you are expected to fill, with all manner of sugary
delights. I have also noticed that over the years, these bags have been
increasing in size, with kids even carrying multiple bags! Our local retailers are
now selling specifically themed buckets, encouraging foraging on a biblical
scale. Some so heavy, the kids bring their very own Sherpa with them (normally
Mum or Dad), to share this burdensome bounty.
Hundreds of
parents are literally putting their backs out, having to haul this treasure
trove of calorie laden confectionary, fed to these door knocking children. No
doubt physiotherapists and chiropractors are eagerly flexing their hands, in
anticipation of spooky appointment requests!
Mrs Garland
loves when kids visit. They do come a knocking to chez Garland, in response to
our decorated front windows, stating that we are “Open for business!” Our, now
antique, plastic pumpkin glows softly in our porch, inviting every vampire,
zombie or even a child who just hasn’t bothered, to ring our door bell.

As child after
child rings the door bell, Mrs Garland answers. On the other hand, I would wait
to hear if there was actually going to be a performance of some kind. If there
wasn’t I’d rush out and hand the kids some of my homemade chocolate balls. A
secret recipe that very skilfully disguises a Brussel sprout by wrapping it in
a wonderful coating of chocolate! This proved so successful, that next year I
am considering covering all manner of other vegetables, in a coating of thick
milk or white chocolate.
I can only
imagine the conversations at home, when the children bite into the chocolate
ball, hoping to find a tasty, syrupy, sugary filling. Only to discover that
they have actually eaten a sprout. Perhaps Jamie Oliver will be on to me
shortly, asking me to roll out this experiment and change the dietary habits of
a nation, in the run up to Christmas?
The joy of
answering the door to a comically made up child is disappearing with age. Just
where ARE all the wonderful songs and jokes we used to hear? The wee jigs and dance
routines, which had been rehearsed for weeks, have all but vanished. Unfunny
limericks and bashful performers are no more.
It is a sad
sorry day, but I am resigned to the fact that I will no longer be entertained
by spooky children, visiting our house at the end of October.
“I don’t
believe it!” I hear you cry.
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